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Asbestos Removal
There are 3 different types of Asbestos Remediation or Removal;
Non-Licenced Asbestos Removal / Notifiable Non Licenced Work
All non-licensed and Notifiable Non-Licensed Work with asbestos must be carried out as detailed on the task sheets within the HSE resource Asbestos Essentials (external link).
Those carrying out the work must have had the correct level of information, instruction and training, to protect themselves and others from the risks to health that exposure to asbestos causes. Link to training course (HSE Asbestos training information)
From April 2012, some non-licensed work, where the risk of fibre release is greater, is subject to three additional requirements - notification of work medical examinations and record keeping. This work is known as non-licensed work (NLW). To decide if the work is NLW, you will need to consider the type of work you are going to carry out, the type of material you are going to
work on and its condition.
The flow chart below will help you to decide which category your work with asbestos is.

Source: HSE
Check the HSE website for more help before you start.
Licensed Asbestos Removal
Licenced asbestos removal work must be carried out by a Licenced Asbestos Removal Contractor (LARC).
Chess Environmental is a LARC and has held an HSE Licence since 2009 and regularly carries out all 3 types of work as detailed above. We have extensive experience in Asbestos removal for both private and commercial clients, from small homes to large offices, hospitals schools and industrial estates.
We contract to various Housing Associations in both London and the Home Counties as well as three Local Authorities. Each and every contract is undertaken with the same professionalism whether it is large, small, short term or long term.
Every contract is run by a fully qualified site supervisor and overseen by the management team.All asbestos removal operatives have face fit certificates, medicals and are fully trained to the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA) standards with at least one operative per crew being a qualified supervisor.
We have a specialised crew trained for High Risk Confined Space work with which we have completed contracts for Anglian Water in live sewage systems.Any air monitoring taking place must be undertaken by an independent laboratory.
Each laboratory used must be UKAS accredited to carry out the works.We have a full carriers license, enabling us to transport smaller amounts of waste to a fully licenced Asbestos waste transfer station, if a skip is not required.
Please see external links on Non-Licenced Work, Notifiable Non Licenced Work (NNLW) and Licenced Work.
The areas Chess Environmental include Braintree, Essex, Kent, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire and London.